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The Network State: Building a Digital Country in...

This video explores one of the most suppressed concepts and technological innovations of the digital age. The idea of a 'network state' proposes the creation...…

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Exposing Solana: Everything they don't want you...

Get the truth about Solana in this eye-opening video. Learn about the fake metrics, VC control, and why Solana may not have a bright future ahead. Don't be f...

Cardano Blockchain Governance Series:...

This first episode introduces the basic information about Cardano's distributed community governance by diving into the Voltaire era, the final stage of the...

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Unveiling Charli3 - Cardano's Oracle, ETH to ADA...

Charli3 is the first decentralized oracle network for the Cardano blockchain. By being native to Cardano, Charli3 aims to avoid the notable issues with flexi...

WTF! So many projects launching on Cardano!

Chapters00:00 Warm up01:51 Start03:34 Blueshift launches with Wrapped Smart Contracts08:40 ADAMail launches11:56 Vault316:30 PlayerMint19:48 Palmyra21:52 DEM...

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